We generate economic opportunities for small-business owners through our financial products, supporting an increase in the potential of their productive activities in order to improve their economic growth, and thus influencing the improvement of their quality of life and that of their families.
Its purpose is to seek for economic opportunities that have a positive impact in the development of entrepreneurs and small-business owners in rural areas and the outskirts of the city in the departments of Guatemala, Jutiapa, Chimaltenango, Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Huehuetenango, El Quiché, Sacatepéquez and Santa Rosa.
It is the exclusive savings account that encourages our group methodologies associates to save. It can be opened with a minimum amount of Q50.00
The different productive activities of Guatemalans are supported through a personalized process, which provides them all with financial and business education. We also support our responsible clients with scholarships for their children.
If you want to invest in your crops, farming animals or agricultural activities, at SHARE we can help you with easy and quick credits.
Thinking about improving your business? If you want to increase your income, at SHARE we can help you with credits that adapt to your needs. Request it today!
Thinking about building, expanding, or remodeling your home? At SHARE, we can help you. Request your credit today!
If you need money to invest in health, expenses for education or the purchase of an appliance, Consumption Credit is our best option for you. Request your credit at SHARE!
This product is specially designed for the financing of small businesses that need to increase their working capital, as well as productive and non-productive fixed assets.
This is a credit product specially designed to support our clients and credit associates in cases of emergency, such as:
Se otorgan montos hasta por Q10,000
Es un producto diseñado para el financiamiento a PEQUEÑOS Y MEDIANOS EMPRESARIOS formales.
Producto diseñado para el apoyo a negocios de reciente nacientes o de reciente formación derivados de emprendimiento.
Es un producto destinado para el financiamiento exclusivo de asociados que poseen cuentas de ahorro en SHARE cuyos fondos se utilizan como garantía.
(cash available at all times) savings account in quetzales allows you to make savings deposits and withdrawals at any given time. Open yours with Q50.00
CUENTA INVERSIÓN de ahorro en quetzales, es un contrato para depositar tus ahorros en plazos cortos, medianos o largos obteniendo tasas de interés hasta del 8% para tu dinero.
Open your account with a minimum of Q1000.00
Plan your savings and build your future by contributing monthly installments from Q25.00 for periods of 6 months onwards and obtain better interest rates for your money.
Porque el ahorro es un hábito que debe empezar desde la niñez contamos con nuestra CHIQUI CUENTA para niños y niñas de 0-12 años.
Open it with Q.25.00
It was created to continue educating on good financial habits and planning the goals of young people between 13 and 17 years of age.
Open your account with Q25.00
Esta cuenta de ahorro permite incrementar la tasas de interés a medida que los saldos van creciendo.
Los intereses generados se capitalizan a la misma cuenta (interés compuesto) por lo que el ahorro crece más rápido. Además permite la libertad de ahorrar en cualquier momento sin obligatoriedad mensual.
Tiene restricción para retiros hasta que finaliza el plazo del contrato.